We had a great week--seeing our kids shine on district benchmark assessments & celebrating their amazing growth! We also celebrated Read Across America Week with special guest readers and fun dress up days! See our Facebook page for some great recaps of our week!
A huge "thank you" to our PTA for their donation of student snacks for our benchmark tests this week! We appreciate the support!
We are very excited for our kids to share their learning & growth so far this year with families at our annual Data & Donuts event! Please make plans to join us next week for this event!
Spring pictures --Monday, March 10th! Students will take pictures before 10am to help avoid stains from lunches & recess. Order forms were sent home with students this week--if you did not get one, please contact our front office.
Data & Donuts: Please join us on Friday, March 14th, for Data & Donuts! Students will be sharing their current data with families, families will learn more about student strengths and gain insight on grade level learning, & all will enjoy donuts! See the flyer below for each grade level time at this event. If you would like to skip the line to get a visitor badge at our front office, please come by any time next week (before the event start time) and our front office staff will pre-scan your ID for a quicker entry on the day of Data & Donuts!
Spring Break: March 17th-21st
Have a great weekend!
-Sarah Cureton, Principal