We've had a great first week back from Winter Break! If you & your family are new to our campus-welcome! We are glad to have you in Cougar Nation! Please let us know if you need help in getting connected with LiveSchool-our school behavior tracker, campus texts, or your student's teacher...we are here to partner with you to best support your student!
Within the next few weeks, all of our Pre-K--5th grade students will be taking their middle of the year academic progress assessments. We are excited to see the results of the tremendous efforts your students are making here at school! Parents, please help us to create the best environment for your student to succeed on their assessments by making sure they get a good night's rest and are at school no later than 7:50am each day. Once we have concluded our assessment windows, we will send home assessment reports for each student so that you guys are able to celebrate the growth we expect to see at home!
-Sarah Cureton, Principal